The outer walls and entrance to the SS Guard Courtyard and garages, Mauthausen Concentration Camp, Austria
The Wiener Graben quarry and the “Stairs of Death” where innumerable inmates were worked to death by the German SS, Mauthausen Concentration Camp, Austria
The main administrative entrance to the Mauthausen Concentration Camp, Austria. This gate was the only entrance to the detention camp where the concentration…
The cellar of the Laundry barracks. Showers and a disinfection room for cleaning prisoners during their entry into the Mauthausen Concentration Camp, Austria
The cellar of the Laundry barracks. Showers and a disinfection room for cleaning prisoners during their entry into the Mauthausen Concentration Camp, Austria
Part of the heating system in the cellar of the Laundry barracks. Mauthausen Concentration Camp, Austria
Interior of one of the prisoner barracks. This area would have been crammed with bunk beds where prisoners had to share beds or sleep on the floor. Mauthausen…
An old photograph of the interior of one of the prisoner barracks. The time allotted for sleeping was often no longer than six hours and the prisoners had to…
A latrine in one of the prisoner barracks. There were no partitions in the room to denying any privacy to the prisoners. Mauthausen Concentration Camp, Austria